A Charlatan's Aphorisms Junk Drawer Poetry Cody Sexton Publisher/Editor "The best part of truth is the lies," Judge Santiago Burdon asserts several times in his collection A Charlatan's Aphorisms: Junk Drawer Poetry. His works probe for raw truths of existence underneath experiences and themes often associated with deception: addiction, secret love affairs, and criminal activity. The poems can be confessional and lyrical, and often use vivid imagery and evocative language. Santiago also appreciates literature and fine art, as seen through his references to Rodin's sculpture "She Loves NASCAR" and the litany of historical authors and artists he names in "No Gideon Bibles." His life began in abuse and loneliness, detailed in "My Siblings' Father" and "I Would Rather Have Waffles." Later on, he experiences depression: "The Hole In My Life" and heartbreak: "Saccharine Kiss." Santiago has learned from his struggles: in "Not Worth The Rain" he reflects that toxic relationships are often not worth pursuing, and in "Bad Habits And Old Addictions" and "I'm Not Dancing With That Bitch Anymore" he eventually takes a stand against his past weaknesses. And he is capable of loving despite his long journey and weary heart: in "What's Left of Me" he offers whatever pieces of himself are left to anyone who needs one. And, in "I Never Write Love Poems" he does not turn cynical, but instead expresses the inadequacy of his verse to convey the depth of his feeling for someone. A Charlatan's Aphorisms: Junk Drawer Poetry is a work of poetry and never claims to be a factual memoir. Still, it digs deep within the human heart for hard-won wisdom. Cristina Deptula is the Executive Editor of Synchronized Chaos Magazine, an interdisciplinary creative arts journal.