1 min read
10 Jul

My Kevorkian Alter Ego

Please go ahead jump!

Put me out of your misery

You don't have the balls

You're all talk and no devastation

This charade has become an overplayed drama.

A boring non event

The only thing that has died 

Is my interest 

No Greek Tragedy.

Cutting your wrists 

Swallowing pills 

Attempted O.D.'s

Cries for help drownd out

No one is listening.

It's embarrassing to watch

Pathetic acts of a coward

A gun in your mouth 

a hair trigger.

Nice touch

An electric appliance 

in the bathtub.

Use a toaster

Makes a great headline  "He's Toast!"

These methods sure to end it.

Your slow boat to death 

Has run out of rivers

The Chiva the Cocaine the Oxys the Meth 

Condiments flavoring your depression 

So let's get it over with

Time to make the grand exit.

What makes you think

Anyone gives a fuck

Make a big splash!


That'll show 'em

You don't give a fuck either.
